Sub-Contract Work
First College recognises the benefits that sub-contracting can bring in extending the range and accessibility of our provision. If you are interested in working in partnership with First College then please refer to our fees, policies and objectives below.
First College Rationale for Subcontracting
First College engages with subcontractors to better meet learner and employer needs and those of our local community.
Reasons are varied but can include:
• To support the strategic objectives of First College
• To secure positive local community benefits
• To enhance the opportunities available to young people and adults
• To provide a curriculum offer that meets identified government and local priorities
• To deliver high quality teaching, learning and assessment that facilitates progression in employment or to higher learning
• To temporarily expand provision to meet a short-term need
• To provide immediate provision whilst expanding direct capacity
• To explore and learn about new sectors prior to investment in resources
• To provide access to, or engagement with a new range of learners and employers
• To ensure delivery intention is met where there is a recognised risk in direct provision
• To support another provider to develop capacity/quality
• To provide niche delivery where the cost of developing direct delivery would be prohibitive
• To support employers with a wide geographical requirement

Who we work with

Working with:
City of Lincoln Council
First College hold the Employment & Skills Funding Agency contract for the delivery of apprenticeships of which is sub-contracted to City of Lincoln Council (COLC) for provision in Lincoln and surrounding areas. The occupational areas supported are Business & Administration, Customer Service, Team Leading, Management and Functional Skills Maths and English.
Course Fees and Charging Policies - Click date to access
Course Fees and Charging Annexe 1 (Pricing) - Click date to access
Sub-Contracting Policies - Click date to access
- Sub-Contracting Policy 2024-2025
- Sub-Contracting Policy 2023-2024
- Sub-Contracting Policy 2022-2023
- Sub-Contracting Management Objectives 2024-2025
- Sub-Contracting Management Objectives 2023-2024
- Sub-Contracting Management Objectives 2022-2023
- Sub-Contracting Services and Charges 2024-2025
- Sub-Contracting Services and Charges 2023-2024
- Sub-Contracting Services and Charges 2022-2023
Self Assessment